Friday, February 16, 2018

Fisher of Men by Joy Clair Stamps

I'm here for another Bible Journaling page with Joy Clair Stamps and my new journaling Bibles. I found out some interesting things that I would like to pass on to you new Bible Journalers.

First let me show you some of the new products I bought for Bible journaling. I purchased the New Testament Catholic Journaling Bible. This way I can journal the Old and the New Testament.

I also purchased some CLEAR Gesso to make my pages more adaptable to water. This way my watercolor and other liquid techniques won't bleed though to the back page. I also picked up some special highlighters specifically made for Bible Journaling. The highlighters are a gel so they go on smooth like lipstick but dry quickly. They are smear proof also and do not bleed though to the back page. I got the 8 pack but there are many other size packs and brands on the marker. I purchased mine though Amazon. Just search "Bible Journaling Highlighters". 

On to the project!

1. Highlight your passages you think are important. 2. Stamp your images you would like to showcase. (I did not do this step in the correct order. Learn from my mistakes. That is why you follow this blog, right?? I used the gesso first then I found it was hard to stamp my images clearly.) I used the new stamp set from Joy Clair, Fishers of Men. 3. Water down the clear gesso a bit and apply over your stamped image and your wordings, if you plan on doing techniques over the words. 4. Wait until it dries or dry with a heat gun. The page my wrinkle a bit. It will flatten out when the Book is closed or I heard you can iron the pages with a warm iron between some clean printer paper.

As you can see above, my page wrinkled just a bit but I wasn't too concerned about it. I applied the clear gesso to the left page. (If you did it correctly you should have the stamping under the clear gesso.) 6. I wanted a watery look so I used some Distress Inks for the blue, purple and turquoise. I just used an ink blender to blend the colors.

7. Paint the fish with different colors of orange and red watercolors. It is hard to see but there is shading on them.
8. Shaded the fish with blue watercolor and use a glitter pen to add some motion to the page by making wavy lines as water current. 9. You can add more detail by splattering some paint, I used blue, about the page to add some texture dots. 10. Time to doodle. I love to doodle so I used glitter pens to trace some of the netting, outline some of the wording and the hooks. I love the sparkle it adds to the page. (I also outlined the bubbles after I did step 11.) 11. Add in some 3D bubbles. I used some Pico Embellisher to accomplish this. The bubble dry 3D and have a iridescent shimmer to them.

Hope you enjoyed this Bible Journaling page!

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